I have a lot to say... so get ready! =)
Let's start off with the basics, tomorrow is one full year from my diagnosis. It really feels like just yesterday that I was sitting in the hospital, waiting to hear what my MRI readings were. Today, I was reading my posts from July, reminding me that I have come such a long way. Reading those posts, I remembered when I couldn't talk, move my legs, things like that. If you look at me now, I am still a long way from 100% but, I know a few months from now I will be thinking of how much more I've accomplished. In July, I made a post called "Time?". In that post I included a quote that I want you all to remember.
"Time is like a river... you cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of life." - Unknown
That quote is very dear to me. But, there are moments for joking and then there are moment to be serious. There are moments to cry and moments to laugh. Soak in every moment, because it is a blessing to cry, laugh, or feel sad, happy, ...etc.
I have been having so much fun with life. A couple weeks ago, my friend won tickets to a Justin Bieber concert. I shall remind you that the last time he saw me, it was July when I couldn't talk or move my legs. I also was still on steroids and I have slimmed down quite a bit from then. Well, when he saw me, he definitely remembered me and he was purely thrilled to see how much better I looked. It made my day to know that he really, truly, honestly cared. He had his body guards push the crowd back so me and my friend could get through. It made my day, I was ecstatic.
On Nov. 20, I went to the theater and watched from The Twilight Saga: "New Moon". It was on opening day too! Most everybody knows that I am a huge Twilight fanatic. If you're a twilight fan to, I'll have you know that I'm wavering between Team Jacob and Team Edward. The movie was truly amazing in my opinion.
The other day, my tube was clogged and we were about to go to the hospital to change it. I was very upset and I was crying and crying. Finally my mom went outside to get the car ready, and I was inside crying, I really did not want to go. It was at that moment I looked up and said "If you love me, you'll take the pain and sadness away". Then my mother walked through the door and I asked her to try to put water through my tube just one more time. When she tried to put the water through the tube, it went through like nothing was ever wrong with it. I looked at my mom and frankly we were both astonished and thrilled. It reminded me of the birthday gift I bought my mom. It was a plaque that had these words on it, "Everyday holds the possibility of a miracle."
For Thanksgiving I will be thankful for what has been given to me, and everything I have because everything could be a lot worse. I want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving and a request for thoughts and prayers on December 2nd when I go for my next MRI.
Love, Daniela