Hi all, sorry I've haven't written in so long! Well there's a lot to say so here it goes. About 4 months ago I was able to get my feeding tube taken out and now am able to eat. And I'm still doing lots of rehab, but it seems to be helping. Over the past months I've gotten several MRI's and I haven't been getting the news I would like to be hearing but it's good enough for now. The results have just been stable which basically means it hasn't changed, or not enough for there eyes. I am really surprised by my own self for handling everything so well, although sometimes, more so when I'm bored, I do get a little down but I can always count on my mom to pick me right back up.
I still cannot believe this summer is almost over!! I can't believe I'll be in high school. It's crazy and I probably sound like my mom right now but elementary school really doesn't seem that long ago. It's interesting how sometimes time seems so slow but yet it seems so fast. I'm going to leave you all with a picture of a quote that is very beautiful and really simple if you get in the right state of mind.

I hope this picture can inspire some of you.
Love, Daniela