Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I absolutely love proving people wrong!! That's why I like Math, I love proving things. Today I lifted my knee up, which means, with lot's of practice, I'll soon be able to walk!!

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do" - Unknown

That is my new life motto. It's really amazing to prove the impossible or the impossibilities of the only human mind. Today, I really felt like a normal, teenage girl. I giggled and laughed with my best friend, Corry. I'm starting to be the sassy, sweet girl that I have always been and always will be.=)

Love, Daniela


  1. When you don't post for a day or two, I feel a little lost. And then when you pop up out of the pages full of life and wisdom and personality, I am so relieved, and so glad that I know you. I want to meet Corey--her posts are cool and so are you.
    big hugs,
    Cynthie Annie

  2. Impossible says it self that "I m possible." I also like to prove that people say's impossible. Nothing is impossible in the life. My mom always told me that I should study law because I love to prove things.
