Friday, July 17, 2009


Today I'm having a bit of a down day. I'm just tired but still trying to look on the up side. But I always try to remember this quote.

"In every difficulty there's an opportunity." -Albert Einstein

Last night I cried and tears came out! I haven't seen my tears since before I was diagnosed because of the tumor. I love my brother to death but sometimes he gets mean. He gets tired and cranky but I wonder what it would be like if every time I got tired I got cranky. I would probably always be cranky. To me it's not really an excuse to be bratty, not saying that I don't get cranky. I do. It's normal. But I guess what I'm trying to say is that when your having a day more difficult then usual, try and find the upsides. It'll really help your day go by.

Love, Daniela


  1. Andrew gets cranky? I know he likes to hang upside down from the chandeliers, but I didn't know he got cranky. I'm sorry I didn't realize you were a bit down today. Sweetie, you just really, really look better and better. You've got to let yourself rest when you're tired because if you don't, you will get bummed out and that's not useful. Having said that, though, it's OK, it's normal to have a down day sometimes. If you didn't, you wouldn't be human.
    Love you, baby,
    Cynthie Annie/Cynde

  2. hi daniela i just wanted to drop by and send you a little inspiration. I don't have a brother so I don't know what thats like but I have an older sister and they can be just as bad hang in there. They grow up eventually.

  3. Daniela,
    We don't know one another, but I have been following you through your Aunt Kristina. When my husband was diagnosed with leukemia, his oncologist said that this does not mean the end but a chance to do or try things you might never have. To never put off anything. We were lucky that his attitude has been positive, and that my husband is now going on 18 years. He has resumed his chemo, but we look on it as this is how he lives with cancer. At your young age, you are being given wisdom beyond your years and being asked to be an adult through trying times. I, at times, would get angry at my husband, and I've come to learn that I was more scared than anything. But, it doesn't stop how you feel when he is a "brat". I, too, have a younger brother, and it never changes even in your 50's! And, I'm glad, because he is my constant. From what I have read and heard of your battle, you are so remarkable and truly have touched so many hearts.
    Sending you hugs and I so hope to meet you one day! That "bratty" brother of mine lives in Atlanta, so you never know.

  4. I am agree that when we have hard time we have to find upside. Being cranky is not solution of any problems.
