Saturday, August 8, 2009

I'm back!

It's so good to be back! This week was very hard, we worked out a system to keep me from vomiting but the whole week I was totally out of it from all the nausea medicine. I'd rather be drowsy then nausea's.

I have been thinking, do you remember in Hercules, the old ladies would cut the twine when a persons time on earth was up? And how when Hercules went into that pool of souls, risking his life for his one true love, the old ladies tried to cut his twine but it wouldn't cut because he was a God. I'm not sure if I believe in all those Greek Myths but to think someone cutting my string of life and not being able too, it just makes me think. I'm not sure if it makes sense the way I put it but try to understand my crazy mind.=)

I also was browsing around youtube, and found this song that I have always loved but now I really can put meaning to it. I want to dedicate it to my mother.

The lyrics mean a lot to me and I never really had a meaning for this song. I just liked it, but now, today, I listened to this song and almost cried. My mom means the world to me. I love her to death!

Love, Daniela


  1. Okay good, you got it up.!! Srry i didnt help much. lol.!! (: well great blog nd glad to se eu r back at it, ah i better go before i get cuaght on the computer. lol. im so bad. (: i love you.!!

  2. happy to know your feeling better. I dedicated that song to my grandma on her 90th birthday 3 years ago. she means the world to me. My mom does too, but big mama is another kind of special. your always in my prayers

  3. I also love this song. and also I love soo muchh my mom. When I listen this song I cried. It mean I understand my mom is my world. I can't live without her

  4. Daniela,

    Glad you made it through a very tough week. May your string of life, remain strong and unbroken for many years to come!

    Thanks for sharing that touching song. You are very fortunate to have such an amazing mom. : )

