Friday, July 10, 2009

Catch Up...

A few years back, I lost my dad to a heart attack. I truly thought my HUGE life obstacles were done. Little did I know, I was in for a big surprise. Everything about me changed. My personality, looks, and actions. An MRI later showed the ugly face of a tumor. I went through several weeks of radiation. That wasn't working quite well, the next treatment meant a port(a small, round button that leads to a big artery). As I was slowly getting worse, my swallowing took a turn for the worst. Most of what I was consuming was going to my lungs instead of my stomach. I went in for the surgery for the port, expecting to spend 1 night in the hospital. I remember waking up from the surgery and not being able to breath well. That's about it. I was unaware of my surroundings for 7 days. No one expected me to wake up. I was expected to live 12 more hours. I was told my lungs collapsed. That was 3 months ago.=) With the help of my mom I am doing much better. I can't walk, talk, or eat but that will all come back with work as the tumor shrinks! Today my best friend, Corry, came by and brought me nail polish. I felt like my normal self. I am doing a chemo(it does not make my hair fall out) every other week and an oral kind 5 days out of every month. I am going to the hospital Monday for another round of chemo. I try to have as much fun as I can. I love music and books, they help a lot along with my computer.
I appreciate everyone's prayers and I really hope you guys keep it up.

Love, Daniela


  1. This may sound kinda cheesy but i teared up a little when i read this. Mainly out of happiness since you are so much better but also because i was remembering when you were in the hospitol and how scary it was..


    I love you ! Kendall.

  2. *gasp* i have been mentioned! I feel special tehehe. Sorry I didn't get a chance to do your nails. :( Oh by the way, I didn't pick up the 3rd All Time Low CD but when I get it I will bring it buy for you, ok.

    I ♥ yous!

  3. daniela. . .know that we are continually praying for you. let me know if you need me to do anything for you. dr. b

  4. how cool is this! so glad you have this blog, now I can check in from the west coast anytime I like. I can hear your voice as I read it. keep it up, I'll be watching.


  5. So wonderful to read your writing, Daniela. It's so great to read what you're feeling, thinking, etc.
    btw, do you Put Up or Shut Up by All Time Low? lemmeno - loved reading together today - always do - you've got such a great sense of humor and you're so smart - Love you, 'Miss' Eileen

  6. Daniela....I look forward to reading your posts on this blog more than anything else on the whole World Wide Web. Yowza! gpd

  7. Beautiful child,
    You were glowing today. You are one sweet blessing on this earth, and I am so very, very proud to be your friend.
    Big fat beautiful hugs,
    Cynthie Annie

  8. you need to be heard by all. your words ring true. so many of us who are struggling and unsatisfied with life need to hear what you have to say
    Thank You

  9. That dreadful day my dearest daniella, i gazed at you in amazement and just "held my breath" and prayed. Decided that is all I could do and I would do it well.

    Mahamrutnjayaa mantra it is known as...has incredible power ....have tested it..proven to be very effective.

    Today I met you briefly and I cannot thank God enough. I know you are on your road to recovery...what if it is one step of the way and how painstaking for Mom, but we will all get there with faith and confidence and more prayer

    You look great smiling and chirping
