Tuesday, July 21, 2009


As most of you know, there will be many many more months of hard work ahead of me. But they are all going to be very difficult.

"December is the most toughest of months. Others are July, January, September, November, May, March, June, October, August, and February."-Mark Twain

Everyday is a struggle no matter what condition your in. It's how you face it that's going to make the difference.

I am starting to really feel like a normal teenager again. Before, I really had no emotion that I had before I was diagnosed. If you have a Facebook you should add me as a friend! There is a group that I have just joined and I encourage everyone else to. The cause is based on 'Curing Diffused Intrinsic Pontine Glioma". This is the kind of tumor I have and right now there is no cure. It is a nasty tumor that rips away the lives of kids under 10 and I am a rare situation. The best way to help is to tell friends and family and hopefully someone with the ability to discover a cure gets notified.

Love, Daniela


  1. Child-unit
    Oy, I'm very very old you know, and I barely understand how lightbulbs work--OK, I don't understand it at all, but at least they don't freak me out. So, now I must join Face Book. Well, it can't be all bad...it's got the word 'book' in it, and books are both of our favorite things. Plus 'Face', and I like faces, so OK, for you, I will join. But you'll have to show me how.
    Thank God for young people who show the rest of us the way.

  2. Yes!!!! the word needs to be out. I'm sorry you are a trail blazier in this crazy world, but just know so many children are going to benefit from you. You have a great spirit and I feel so blessed to have your blog in my life.

  3. its so uplifting to hear you are doing better, cant wait to see you, we'll be in atlanta the weekend of aug1.

  4. Daniela,

    I am so glad that you are joining Facebook...I'm adding you as a Friend, but know this, you are a very special FRIEND! I have told my friends about you because I want their prayers on your behalf and I want them to join the DANIELA TEAM FOR THE CURE!

    I took the liberty to put a couple of your stories that you wrote on your blog onto my Facebook. I have friends who ask about you every time that I see them. I want all my friends on the DANIELA TEAM FOR THE CURE! I'm going to try to figure out how to add that TEAM to my Facebook. If you do it before I do, let me know.
    Mrs. Brubaker

  5. I have a facebook. I am sooo gladto have you as a my freind. I will tell my other friends also to join you. I am with you always whenerver you need help and my frends and family is praying for you. I respect your thought, and your struggle.

  6. Hi little miss!! Hope your day is blessed. I have a facebook page too, I will join yours as soon as I have a minute. Speak to you later.

  7. Hi Daniela.Tomorrow is another day. Everything has a cure,but it is a matter of time. I pray for you good moment to come.

